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Ostali blogovi korisnika | sad_clown84 4.3.2015. 19:15:00

Naslov bloga: I LOVED AND LOVE

With one smile I loved to defeat all the despair I had gathered here and there in life. Chin up, I loved to confront all the sad smells that had seeped under my skin. Looking forward I loved forgetting all the bad that stayed behind me. I loved to love that nothing could ever my love obstruct. I loved and still love to defeat, with truth, what tried to defeat me. I loved and love to answer suffering with joy. I loved and love and will always love that there is no obstacle that I cannot overleap, because it is the only way I will be able to love everything around me deserving of love, and to understand life for what it is - a wide open field full of holes. Sometimes shadowy and dark, sometimes light and splendid. There isn’t a man who lives, and doesn’t love or has, though he may very quickly disappear tucked into his idea that he doesn’t love anything and that everything around him is awful. I run from that kind and I know that there is nothing more worthwhile than walking that wide field with a smile.
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