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Ostali blogovi korisnika | t_willism_88 22.2.2015. 12:33:00

Naslov bloga: FRIEND FOREVER

My Friend......hi,

One day my brain asked me "Why are you sending messages to that person who is not messaging you?" but my little heart said to brain "You need message and i need friend." I hope to be a good friend and so real for you and i hope that i will not be disturbing you i would love to be a true friend and loyal and i am looking for respect, real friends and real love that is stable forever. there are a lot of fakes friend and a few real friends, i am not looking for something else more than a true friendship or true love both are the door to everything beautiful in life. Sorry if disturbed.. Add me if you do love and it’s a honor for me. Thank you my friend for reading my message and thank you so so so much for your time.

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