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Ostali blogovi korisnika | menta1ac 3.10.2014. 23:51:00

Naslov bloga: Questioning the love

Described as un-described, for each and every one different, for each and every one with quite same outcome - connecting with other. Whether it is connection we develop with close one in the family, or at some point stranger, it is supposed to bound us with someone with invisible fibers that are hard to shake. That is until reality sets in and life gets in the way. Then it becomes something else, different, once you set in and get to know each and every one you love. It changes like humans face with years, for some people it does not so it can be compared with soul but how many of us are "lucky" ones. They say there is someone on this world for each and one of us we just have to find it. How do you succeed with task like this among group of individuals of which numbers change is exponential. For 99.999% of us it is impossible task. Some chose to bond with first one that heart pounds for when we meet them, some never settle knowing that perfect is probably not the next guy or next girl. Most of us end up with choice, choice of which usually results in impact on not only our life but someone else s. When we are at this point we are left to deal with our humanity and consequences, good or bad. 
Some of us are left wondering what love is, whether it exist. I believe so, it is just that its "quantity" is different for each and one of us. We love differently and are being loved differently as well.
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